Mastering Disruptive Business Model in the Digital World: Blockchain Security Company Renita Kawuryan (a*), Christie Stephanie Piar (b), Feti Fahmimroah (b)
Program Studi Bisnis Digital, Administrasi Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
Jl. Cipto Mangun Kusumo, Sungai Keledang, Kec. Samarinda Seberang, Kota Samarinda, 75242, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
The aim of this community service initiative was to investigate disruptive business models and provide updates on blockchain security company. Specifically, explore how blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt existing business models.
The seminar was organized by the lecturer of strategic digital business and Youth Network Kaltim (a community dedicated to any young people to get access to educational and vacancy information, networking, and collaboration). These events were held through a Zoom meeting on October 29th, 2023, at 19:30 WITA.
The total number of participants is 89, which includes one speaker, one lecturer, and three members from the committee of Youth Network Kaltim. A total of 69 questionnaires were collected. This seminar employs a three-stage framework for community service. (1) agenda of a corporation involves the acquisition of resources, identification of a subject matter, and organization of event activities. (2) implementation of activities involved the completion of materials, presentation, discussion, and question-and-answer session. (3) Evaluation procedure: preservation of questionnaires by participants.
The findings indicate that participant possess an understanding of the phenomenon wherein traditional business models are supplanted by disruptive model as a consequence of technological advancements. Based on the survey, 87.5% of participants showing positive feedback from the seminar.
The implication is that all participants are aware about disruptive business models, the latest developments in blockchain technology and fostering innovation within the business community.
Keywords: Disruptive Business Model, Blockchain, Community Service
Topic: Economics