Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province 1 Regional Research and Development Agency of West Java Province, Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia Abstract This research evaluates the implementation of bureaucracy simplification policy, particularly in the context of position equalization, and its impact on the performance of state civil servants in the West Java Provincial Govern-ment. The policy aims to enhance public service and is part of the public sector governance reform. Findings indicate that while the implementation of the bureaucracy simplification policy in West Java Province has not entirely met the organization^s needs, it has a significant positive influence on state civil servants performance. The performance of state civil servantsaffected by position equalization has notably improved, particularly in terms of tech-nical competence, economic feasibility, and political sustainability, contrib-uting to 56.14% of their overall performance. The position equalization pro-cess involves identifying administrative roles, mapping positions, and equal-izing them based on specific criteria, with the objective of transitioning ad-ministrative positions into functional roles. However, there is room for im-provement in managerial skills, performance target understanding, and adap-tation to local government conditions. In the technical competence dimen-sion, the implementation of bureaucracy simplification has a positive influ-ence of 14.22% on state civil servants performance. Nevertheless, in terms of economic feasibility, adequate support is required for optimal perfor-mance. In conclusion, the implementation of bureaucracy simplification pol-icy positively impacts the performance of state civil servants affected by po-sition equalization. However, improvements in management skills, perfor-mance understanding, and economic support are essential to bolster public sector governance reform, ultimately achieving the goal of improving public service and efficiency in West Java Province Keywords: Bureaucracy simplification, Position equalization, Civil Servants, Public sec-tor governance reform, Administrative performance, Economic feasibility Topic: Other Social Sciences & Humanities |
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