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Pelatihan Instalasi dan Penggunaan Aplikasi IP Camera kepada Masyarakat Muara Gembong Bekasi Jawa Barat
*Baso Maruddani (a,b*), Moch. Sukardjo (a), Niken Amanda Sifha Alifia (a), Muhammad Ridwan Rais (a), Rania Chairunisa (a)

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) DJA Institute


The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, including Indonesia, has brought about many changes in the social order in society, especially in relation to the use of technology and its implementation. The effects of Covid-19 have an impact not only on how to socialize, but also on individuals. Rising unemployment rates due to layoffs can indirectly increase the chances of crime in rural and urban communities. However, there are many things that can be done as an anticipatory step as well as a solution for this crime because in this era of increasingly developing technology, it provides convenience in almost all fields, including security. In an environment, be it a campus, office or community environment, security is an absolute must to ensure a sense of security and comfort. The Community Service Team, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta in collaboration with Desa Pantai Sederhana Kecamatan Muara Gembong Bekasi Jawa Barat, held training on the installation and use of IP camera applications targeting the community, especially youth, in the area of Desa Pantai Sederhana Kecamatan Muara Gembong as an effort to introduce and teach the community to using an IP camera as a means of preventing and/or knowing the occurrence of criminal acts that occur around them by viewing the recordings on the IP camera. The training was carried out onsite, namely the Community Service Team came to the location at Desa Pantai Sederhana and provided material and practice on IP cameras and their applications as well as a question and answer session with participants as well as consultation on the problems encountered in the installation and use of IP cameras. After participating in the training, participants are expected to be able to install IP cameras around them (home, school, or office) and understand how to use applications to monitor areas where IP cameras are installed.

Keywords: IP camera- application- installation- Desa Pantai Sederhana- Muara Gembong

Topic: Sains dan Teknologi

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Baso Maruddani)

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