Edy Cahyono, Zaenal Abidin, Putri Khoirin Nashiroh, Barokah Isdaryanti

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program at UNNES was developed based on the Rector^s Regulation Number 6 of 2021. As a newly developed program, it has received a good response in every unit to develop the appropriate MBKM activities. To find out the obstacles and potentials of the MBKM activities developed in each faculty, it is necessary to conduct a thorough evaluation and involve all components that manage and implement the MBKM program. So it is necessary to find a pattern for developing the UNNES MBKM program along with implementation guidelines and information systems that support program implementation and the recognition process in study programs. The research was conducted using the ADDIE model. Development Research using the ADDIE model with the following stages. 1) Analysis, analyzing obstacles and needs for developing MBKM activities, 2) Designing a learning plan for MBKM activities, 3) Development developing guidelines for implementing MBKM program managed by the Faculty and supporting information systems, 4) Implementation of implementing MBKM and information system applications MBKM, and 5) Evaluation Evaluating the implementation of the designed MBKM BKP and the practicality of the information system.. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the internship program managed by the faculty is still not up to par based on the number of students involved and the quality of its implementation. Based on the analysis of the results of the evaluation of the implementation of MBKM at UNNES, each faculty has developed an Internship Program implementation guide (UNNES-PRIGEL) and a program information system that supports the registration process from implementation to assessment and recognition.

Keywords: MBKM program, MBKM Information System, Credit Recognition

Topic: The Acceleration of Link and Match Between Industry and Higher Education

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