Expanding English as a Medium of Teaching Instruction in Non-English-Speaking Country
Lulu April Farida, Savariah Xavier, Intan Permata Hapsari, Fahrur Rozi, Fatona Suraya

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia- Vellore Institute of Technology India


English as a medium instruction in the university to inform and manage specific site academic activities. The aim of instruction is to convey an important role to all university members. Since the phenomena are about the English instruction which is used as a language that use in public communication, the objective of this study is to analyse how English instruction in the academic fields are expanding in the universities of non-English Speaking countries. The method of this study used qualitative research. The objects of this study were the academic documents in the universities of non-English Speaking countries that consist of syllabi, teaching material, and teaching aid. The researchers used documentation in collecting data of academic documents used for teaching. Researchers used Barthes^ theory to find out how academic documents were implemented in non-English Speaking countries, such as Poland, Chile, India, Kenya, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia and reveal their similarities and differences. The result of this study shows that academic documents used for teaching in those countries have some similarities and differences. It can be seen from languages, contents, models, media, designs, and structure academic documents used for teaching.

Keywords: English Teaching Instruction, non-English Speaking countries, Medium of Teaching

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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