Influence Hard Skills and Soft Skills on K3 Behavior of Welding Practice of Vocational High School Students in North Sulawesi
Parsaoran Tamba, Hendro M. Sumual

Universitas Negeri Manado


Working accidents can occur because of two causes, namely (1) ue to unsafe behavior, (2) due to unsafe condition. Safe behavior at ork becomes an obligation for every student who practices welding. Safe behavior is called occupational safety and health behavior (K3 behavior or OSH behavior). The purpose of this research is to know whether there is influence of hard skills and soft skills to K3 behavior. The object of the study is vocational high school (SMK) students in machining skillss program. Location of SMK research in North Sulawesi province. The research method used survey method by focusing on the disclosure of causal relationships between variables, which is directed to investigate the relationship because based on observations of the consequences that occur with the aim of seeing the direct effect of a variable causing variable to effect. The statistic used in this research is parametric statistic with regression analysis.The results showed that: 1) hard skillss Influential significantly to K3 behavior of 74,5 %, (2) soft skillss influential significantly to the K3 behavior of 85 %, and 3) hard skills and soft skillss together influential significantly to the K3 behavior of 88,1 %.

Keywords: Hard Skills, Soft Skills, K3 Behavior

Topic: The Acceleration of Link and Match Between Industry and Higher Education

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