Through Virtual Field Trip Technology Intervention, can museums be a source of historical learning?
Ofianto, Siti Fatimah, Tri Zahra Ningsih

Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia


The only method to develop historical significance is through artifacts from the past. The museum is one place where you can research history and discover various relics from the past. Technology developments and social mobility restrictions have made it necessary for museums to exist in a virtual form that may be explored like a real field trip. Through the use of technology known as Virtual Field Trips (VFT), this study seeks to analyze the impact and effectiveness of museums as a source of historical knowledge. A quasi-experimental approach with a single group pretest-posttest design was employed for the research. A sample of 120 students from the class XI SMA Negeri 1 Padang City, out of a total population of 346, was chosen for the study using the proportional stratified random selection method. The data analysis method employed the t-test independent sample t-test to assess the impact of the museum and the N-Gain test to assess its effectiveness. The study^s findings show that the museum, as a source of knowledge of history, through the use of VFT technology, has a significant impact on class XI students at SMA Padang City^s historical understanding, which is supported by a significance value (Sig.) of 0.000 > 0.05. The N-Gain test revealed a 46% increase in the learning results for students. So, it was determined that the museum was effectively employed by high school students as a source of historical knowledge with the help of Virtual Field Trip technology.

Keywords: Museum, history learning, Virtual Field Trip technology

Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19

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