Understanding Solidarity in Cooperative Lessons to Become Stronger and Independent
Lucy Sri Musmini (a*), Gede Adi Yuniarta (b)

a), b) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11 Singaraja Bali


Cooperatives have economic and social functions. This duality of functions moves in line to achieve the cooperative^s goals. The spirit of solidarity is one of the pillars of the strength of the cooperative. This study aims to understand the meaning of solidarity in cooperative lessons. Cooperatives by prioritizing the spirit of solidarity in cooperative policies can encourage cooperatives to become stronger and more independent. This study uses a qualitative method with an interpretive paradigm. More precisely, this research seeks answers to problems through a phenomenological approach. Solidarity is practiced in a collective movement that helps each other to achieve common goals or individual goals of cooperative members. The results show that the meaning of solidarity is that the spirit of solidarity can encourage the strength of cooperatives to become stronger. In addition, the spirit of solidarity also provides lessons on how to be independent.

Keywords: Solidarity- Cooperatives- Stronger and Independent

Topic: Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture

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