LMS Design to achieve Digital Pedagogy in Lesson Plans for Teachers in Elementary Schools (1) Universitas Negeri Padang Abstract This research begins with the importance of teachers and students to understand digital pedagogy. Digital pedagogy is not only about technology but also things that can be done by utilizing technology to support the learning process. The digital technology used is associated with preparing students to improve learning outcomes and the use of this technology can provide opportunities for a learner-centred learning approach. So far, teachers have used digital technology for online learning such as using Google Classroom, Whatsapp, Edmodo, Zoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meet, and others. In addition, teachers have also used YouTube in finding suitable media. But the weakness of teachers in teaching is that they have not maximized the use of this technology as a learning medium. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using a validation sheet. The results of this study indicate that the validation test with a score of 93.33 with a valid category. This concludes that the LMS validation in the digital class is valid. The implication of this research is that it can be used as a reference in achieving digital pedagogy in learning in elementary schools. Keywords: LMS, Pegagogy, Linear and learning prosess Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19 |
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