Use Of Yard Land As A Source Of Nutrition And Family Economy During Covid-19 Pandemic
Hasrianti Silondae (a*) and Meivie Lintang (b)

a) & b) North Sulawesi Assessment Institute For Agricultural Technology (AIAT)
* hasrianti_silondae[at]


Abstract. The period of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has not yet fully passed, so various strategies are needed that can minimize fluctuations in household food needs. Continuous optimization of yard land can provide nutritional fulfillment solutions for people both plant and animal and an increase in the PPH score by 11.90-20.46 percent. The description of the government^s strategy in agriculture through the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, that the system of cultivation of vertikultur crops, hydroganik, aquaponics, hydroponics, tabulapot, and shelter houses is very easy for every household in Indonesia to do. People can use empty or derelict yard land integrated by suitable or cultivating livestock /fish to obtain family nutrition and economic resources. This review raises several models of household yard management that have been studied by previous researchers so that the community can imitate or apply directly in the yard.

Keywords: Yard- Nutrition- Economy- Family

Topic: Adapting Agricultural Production to Covid-19

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