Jaka Sumarno, Fatmah Sari Indah Hiola, Aryandi Kurnia Rahman

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Gorontalo, IAARD, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture


The aims of the study were: 1) to determine the agronomic and financial performance of the application of Chili Double Fold Production (PROLIGA) technology, 2) to determine the attitudes and perceptions of farmers towards the Chili Proliga technology and the introduced varieties of chili in Gorontalo, Indonesia. This study was conducted in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia from January to September 2020. The total area of the research area for chili technology was 0.75 ha. The chili varieties planted were cayenne pepper varieties Prima Agrihorti, and varieties Dewata, large chili varieties Ciko, Tanjung 2 and Inata Agrihorti hybrid. The introduction of the technology applied was the PROLIGA (Double Fold Production) technology package of chilies from the Vegetable Crops Research Institute, IAARD. Farming financial was analyzed descriptively by calculating revenue, cost, profit and R/C ratio. To find out farmers^ attitudes towards PROLIGA technology using Fishbein^s Multi-attribute Model analysis, and farmer perceptions using Perceptual Mapping. The results of this study indicated that the application of the chili proliga technology package could increased the productivity of chili peppers at the study site. The results of farm financial analysis showed that chili farming with PROLIGA technology has an R/C ratio of more than 1 which means it was feasible and efficient to implement. The attitude of farmers towards chili PROLIGA technology was superior when compared to the existing technology of farmers. Farmers^ perceptions that chili proliga technology was superior in the attributes of crop performance, productivity, and farming profits compared to the existing technology of farmers.

Keywords: technology, PROLIGA, chili, Gorontalo

Topic: Crop Production and Environment

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