Code Mixing in Song Lyric ^Karna Susayang^ By Near Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Abstract In this paper, song lyric ^Karna Susayang^ analyzed in sociolinguistic, especially code mixing. Human life in this modern era cannot be separated from the music. A song lyric is a person^s expression about their life. This qualitative research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The purpose of this research is to describe the form or type of code mixing in the ^Karna Susayang^ lyric, and what kind of laguages used, and what messages to be delivered. The results of this research shows there is code mixing in the song lyric, namely inner mixing code of Maumere language. The results of the analysis obtained from this research, are: 1) infixation elements are words, such us klitika, adverb, pronoun, and preposition, 2) tangible as repeating words. Keywords: Sociolinguistic, Karna Susayang, code mixing, song lyric. Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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