Strategy of Compiling Chinese Language Textbook Based on Integrative Teaching Model State University of Jakarta (UNJ) Abstract Chinese language teaching and learning in high school level in Indonesia is running as a compulsory lessons either as extra curricular lessons or as elective lessons. The teaching of Chinese language at schools mostly based on integrated teaching models. Unfortunately, one of problem that teacher and student had to face off is the difficulty to find a real good textbook which fulfilled four language competencies integratively to learned in class. Surveys to more than 30 teachers in Jakarta shows a necessity of textbook compiling based on integrated teaching models that should reveals in the Chinese language textbook. Teachers need to have a complete textbook that cover their needs in teaching Chinese as an integrated lessons. This research aims to find out the strategy applied by textbook writer in compiling Chinese language textbook especially by Indonesian writer. The research is using documentary research method to study a sum of Chinese language textbook used in Jakarta. Keywords: Chinese language textbook, compiling strategy, integrated teaching, integrated competencies Topic: Education |
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