Development of CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) Media in English Subject for Class X in Vocational High School
Rifa Usaifa. Moch Sukardjo M.Pd. Murni Winarsih MPd

Smk Daarussalaam


The purpose of this study is to develop interactive learning media that are designed based on the characteristics of learning with the help of computers or CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) to improve learning outcomes in SMK. This learning media was developed to help Vocational High School students who have not yet reached the competency standards set in English subjects. The research method used is a research and development method. The learning model used to develop CAI media is a learning model from Hannafin and Peck . Data were collected based on questionnaires, interviews, learning outcomes documents and tests. Validation test results for material, media and design experts instructional, one-on-one test, small group test and the results of field tests using t-test calculations showed that there were significant differences in student learning outcomes before and after using CAI media in other words, CAI media for learning English was considered effective and can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Development, Interactive Learning Media, English

Topic: Education

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