Intertextuality in Titles of Student Creativity Projects 2018: A Prior Text Study
Nivia Putri Ratna Juwita (a*)- Atiqa Sabardila (b)- Markhamah (c)

a) Indonesian Language Education Master^s Program
b) Faculty of Teaching and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 57162, Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan Kartasura, Indonesia


This study aims to identify prior texts used as reference texts in writing the titles of Student Creativity Programs (SCP) funded in 2018 (from 5 fields). This research is classified as a qualitative descriptive study. The data source used in this study is the titles of SCP. The data produced are in the form of words and sentences contained in the data source. Data analysis utilized translational identity method, abductive inference method, and referential identity method. Validation test of the data utilized theory triangulation. The results show that there are intertextual relationships in the writing of SCP titles, which are motivated by several pre-existing texts as prior text, including: (1) documents, (2) song titles- (3) music bands- (4) TV programs- and (5) company name. Song titles are found to be the most widely used as adaptation texts in the SCP titles.

Keywords: intertextuality, prior text, titles

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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