Students Speaking Performance toward the Use of Online Meeting Class Romlah Ulfaika
English Education Department
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Borneo Tarakan
The spread of the corona virus had a profound effect not only on the economic world which was starting to weaken, but also now the impact is being felt by the education world. Around at the end of March 2020, Rector of Borneo University announced that the university closed indefinitely on Friday, 27 March 2020 amid fears of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Indonesia. Online learning is becoming a solution for students in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. Nearly all of the universities have switched to online learning at this moment. In order to avoid the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) around the campus, Borneo University chose to change its learning process becoming online learning program.
This research aims to find out how the students speaking performance and students perception toward the use of online learning class especially in speaking class. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach which observation sheet of students speaking performance and questionnaire become the main instruments of this research. The observation sheet focuses to students speaking performance to obtain the data. There are five aspects or criteria which will be focused in this observation sheet, they are content, accuracy, fluency and pronunciation, and comprehension and response. Then, the questionnaire in this research is used to gain the data about the students perception in using online learning class for their learning.
The result of this research showed that from 75 students in speaking class, there were 37 or 49% students argued that online meeting class is not interesting. Then, for the result of questionnaire about the students perception, online meeting class cannot improve their speaking skill, the data showed from 75 students, there were 44 or 59% students disagree with statements of online meeting class is easier to improve their speaking skill.
Keywords: online learning class, student speaking performance, students perception
Topic: Education