Development of Learning Divusion and Innovation teaching materials at the Jakarta State University
Moch. Sukardjo (a), Jhoni Lagun Siang (b)

a) Post graduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) Post Graduate Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado


Purpose of this research is the development of divusion teaching materials and learning innovations in the Postgraduate Educational Technology Study Program, State University of Jakarta. The target of this research is Lecturers of the eye in the Doctoral Study Program of Postgraduate Education Technology, UNJ and Students. Considering that this research is in the form of development of diffusion teaching materials and learning innovation, the research method used is the Research and Development research method. The results of this study state that diffusion and innovation teaching materials developed in terms of readability are considered easy and suitable for use in learning. Overall it can be concluded that diffusion and educational innovation teaching materials are in the very good category, where this teaching material is feasible and effectively used in the learning process.

Keywords: Learning Divusion- Innovation teaching materials

Topic: Education

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