REFERENCE OF ACRONYMS IN TITLES OF STUDENT CREATIVITY PROGRAMS 2018 Indonesian Language Education Master^s Program, Postgraduate School, Abstract Student Creativity Program (SCP) is an embodiment of student creativity and one of the elements of creativity can be observed in the language used, such as in the process of title writing. This study aims to identify acronyms in SCP titles of 2018 as a creative element of title writing and identify the references of the acronyms. The type of research is qualitative descriptive research. Research data are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the SCP titles. Source of research data is from 5 fields of SCP titles funded in 2018. Data collection utilized observation and documentation techniques. Data analysis utilized referential identity and constituent analysis methods with techniques of deletion, insertion, replacement, and expansion. Data validity test utilized theory triangulation. The results indicate that the writing of the SCP titles utilize acronym creations in the form of nouns similar to Indonesian vocabularies: (a) nouns similar to adjectives, (b) nouns similar to noun phrases, and (c) nouns similar to adjective phrases. The acronyms in the SCP titles utilize references in the form of vocabularies for: (a) artists^ names, (b) a person^s nature, and (c) a person^s status. Keywords: reference, acronym, titles Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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