STILISTIC IN NOVEL POHON-POHON SESAWI BY Y.B. MANGUNWIJAYA Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), Jl. Raya Telang, PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura. Abstract This research aims is describe the stilistic form of the figure of speech, peculiarities of diction, and sentence structure in the novel Pohon-Pohon Sesawi by Y.B. Mangunwijaya. This study used a qualitative approach to the type of content analysis study (Content Analysis). Based on the analysis, it was found the figure of speech, uniqueness of diction, and sentence structure in the novel Pohon-Pohon Sesawi by Y.B. Mangunwijaya. The data found in this research are the building blocks that give a special character of the Pohon-Pohon Sesawi novel^s. In addition, it also represents the uniqueness of the language style that Y.B. Mangunwijaya as the author. Keywords: Stilistic- peculiarities of diction- language style Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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