HOTS-AEP-Recycling: Students Knowledge based on Gender for Develop ESBOR in Environmental Education during COVID-19 a) Department of Environmental Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract Environmental education during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires an innovation, especially related to recycling problems. Abilities that must be acquired by students regarding recycling are Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this study was to measure students^ HOTS using Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment based on Environmental Problem of Recycling (HOTS-AEP-Recycling). The research method used was a descriptive method using survey techniques. The research sample included 58 male students and 173 female students from various universities in Jakarta, Semarang, Makassar, and Lampung. The results showed that the students^ HOTS score was in a very low category in both male students (18.88) and female students (21.20). It implied that students^ knowledge must be improved. The Environmental Supplement Book of Recycling (ESBOR) is one of media innovations that can be utilized for environmental education during COVID-19. Learning media innovation becomes important to support various abilities in 21st century. The study concluded that the students^ HOTS score measured using HOTS-AEP-Recycling was in the very low category so it required an improvement through the development of ESBOR in the future. Keywords: COVID-19, ESBOR, HOTS-AEP-Recycling Topic: Education |
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