The Implementation of Government Regulation No. 22/2016 on the Ideal Composition of the Free Learning Implementation Plan
Albitar Septian Syarifudin

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


The free RPP is a new idea from the Ministry of Education and Culture as an effort to facilitate learning. Various attempts were made by policy makers to formulate an independent RPP in accordance with Indonesian education standards. Government Regulation No.22 of 2016 as a standard for implementing education is still a guideline in the preparation of the independent RPP because there is no new government regulation regarding process standards. An independent RPP is packaged in the form of a single sheet containing the supporting components of teaching and learning activities. This makes the preparation of an independent RPP requires in-depth analysis because the composition is getting denser, even more so, until now there has been no standardized form of an independent RPP. In this article, we will examine the ideal form of an independent RPP when viewed from the aspect of national education standards, namely implementation standards as reflected in Government Regulation no. 22 of 2016.

Keywords: Goverment regulation, composition, RPP

Topic: Education

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