HOW DOES THE DISASTER MITIGATION CURRICULUM IN PESANTREN IN ERA 4.0 (AN ETHNOPEDAGOGIC ANALYSIS STUDY) a) Faculty Of Social Science, Universitas negeri jakarta Abstract This Research purposes to know how the disaster mitigation curriculum in pesantren in era 4.0 using ethnopedagogical analysis study. This study uses a theory that refers to the initial theory of the Disaster Mitigation and also the Curriculum theory. The method of this study is a qualitative research method. Data sources used are primary data derived from observation and interviews. Secondary data comes from the study of literature, journals, books and others. this research conclusion: first, pesantren based disaster mitigation curriculum accomodates existing local activities as an effort to provide right education on dealing with disaster management in pesantren. secondly, Local awareness in disaster mitigation is appropriatedto use in pesantren learning by integrating into the 2013 curriculum based on thematics and thematics and technology based scientific .approaches. Keywords: DISASTER MITIGATION CURRICULUM PESANTREN- ERA 4.0- ETNOPHEDAGOGIS Topic: Education |
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