AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS^ MANAGEMENT TALK AND INSTRUCTIONAL TALK IN ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) CLASSROOM AT SMA NEGERI 01 BOMBANA Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka Abstract The objectives of this study were to find out the contexts of the teachers^ management talk and instructional talk in senior high school and to find out the percentage frequency of teachers native language usage (NL) and target language (TL) in management talk and instructional talk in senior high school. The subjects of this study were two Indonesian English teachers toward SMA Negeri 01 Bombana, Sulawesi Tenggara. This reseach done by used descriptive qualitative method. The research findings showed that there were four contexts of utterance that were related with talk management while in instructional talkmanagement just consist of three context. teachers prefered to use native language than target language in either management talk term or instructional talk term. The frequency of using native language was much higher both in management talk and insructional talk, around 86,9% average used in management talk while 77,1% average used in instructional talk. Keywords: teachers^ management, talk management, instructional talk management, English foreign language classroom Topic: Education |
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