Application of The Inquiry Learning Model with The Main Mapping Method to Increase Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Subject at SMPN 20 Jakarta Dimas Bagus Wicaksono
(a) DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta), Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9, Kel. Gambir, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat
(b) SMPN 20 Jakarta, Jl. Rantai Mas No. 49 004/005, Kel. Tengah, Kec. Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur
(c) Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta, Jl. Gatot Subroto No.Kav. 40-41, 008/003, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Setia Budi, Kota Jakarta Selatan
Dimas Bagus Wicaksono, NIP 199408272019031009, October 2019, Application of the Inquiry Learning Model with the Main Mapping Method to Increase Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Subjects at SMPN 20 Jakarta, Kampung Tengah, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta.
mentor Drs. Suprayitno, Coach Ir. Drs. Iswan Achmadi, MT
The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) as the main element of human resources, the state apparatus has an important role in determining the success of governance and development. The figure of a Civil Servant who is able to play this role is the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who has competence as indicated by his attitude and behavior which is full of loyalty and obedience to the state, has good moral and mental character, is professional, aware of his responsibility as a public servant, and able to be the glue of national unity and integrity. The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in charge of education, especially in this case is Junior High School Teachers, has the same obligation to become ASN who is competent, professional, with integrity, and committed both to the duties and functions they carry. The teacher as the spearhead of the implementation function in the education sector is a very noble profession, to achieve this goal, it is necessary for teachers who are able to actualize the basic values of ASN to achieve the main goals and objectives as the main duties and functions of teachers listed in the Law on the National Education System Number
20 of 2003. This relates to the comfort of students when learning in class. At SMPN 20 Jakarta, students ^interest in studying social studies by applying the inquiry learning method, students^ motivation in learning is expected to increase. One of the learning media used is main mapping. Students are required to be more active in learning these social studies lessons. Therefore, if students^ motivation in learning increases, the results will be much better.
Keywords: ASN, inquiry model, main mapping, motivation
Topic: Education