The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Self Learning to the Teachers Performance of SMP Negeri in Depok City, West Java
Gelar Gelora Mestika

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Teachers performance plays a crucial role in achieving quality of education and good character of students. Low teachers performance will decrease quality of graduates itself. Based on data in Depok City West Java, which was taken in 2019 where the government focuses on improving teacher performance so that it becomes a government priority program that will continue to be improved. Researchers have examined randomly a sample from the state junior high school level and used the data using the quantitative method of path analysis. The results showed that there is something that can be done to improve teacher performance through increasing transformational leadership by the principal, namely by motivating teachers and encouraging teachers to have an attitude of love for their work, so that teachers will be more sincere and sincere in doing their work besides the teacher will also have a sense great responsibility. Improving teacher performance by making self learning efforts through efforts to increase teacher work activities through training and developing work models on an ongoing basis based on each teachers self learning. This research we can see that a positive direct effect of transformational leadership with teacher performance in improving self learning.

Keywords: teachers performance, transformational leadership, self learning

Topic: Education

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