Mixghan Norman Antono

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


This paper aims to describe the morphophonemic pattern of the geminate structure of the Madurese language used by some students with special needs at Keleyan State Primary School, Socah-Bangkalan, Madura. Madurese is a regional language that is quite unique among many other regional languages in Indonesia. One of the uniqueness of the Madurese language is the geminate element which is rarely found in other regional languages. Geminate often appears as a form of language representation of meaning. For non-ABK Madurese speakers, the use of geminate is commonplace, but for children with special needs in Madura, the presence of geminate in the structure of their mother tongue raises new difficulties in the language learning process, especially the emergence of morphophonemic patterns in the geminate structure itself. Therefore, this paper focuses on the morphophonemic patterns of geminate structures that appear in Madurese speech in children with special needs.
This research was conducted using a listening and proficient method that focuses on lingual data of children with special needs. Based on the research results, it was found that the level of homogeneity in the morphophonemic process of both ABK and non ABK speeches. This morphophonemic process includes phoneme occurrence, phoneme release, phoneme pulsation, phoneme change, and phoneme shift. However, the morphophonemic process in ABK can be said to be more varied, with the emergence of various new phonemes that do not come from one language environment, to the repetition of the morphophonemic process in the vocabulary that experiences gemination.

Keywords: Morphophonemic, Geminat, Madurese

Topic: Education

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