LANGUAGE ERRORS ANALYSIS FOR ADVANCED BIPA STUDENTS OF MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Negeri Jakarta Abstract The language teaching materials that will be taught to BIPA students is to equip Indonesian language proficiency, both verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal forms such as writing skill, which is indirect communication. In writing skill, BIPA students are required to be able to use good and correct punctuation marks, sentence structure, and various writing procedures, so that readers can understand the meaning of the writing well. Good writing is in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian language. BIPA students^ writing skill at Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta still needs more in-depth guidance, because there are many factors that hinder BIPA students from writing, for example the influence of their mother tongue, and the lack of vocabulary mastery. This study aims to determine the difficulties experienced by BIPA students at Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta in terms of writing skill. This is very useful for BIPA teachers to prepare matters related to BIPA learning, especially writing material. This research is a qualitative research. The writings that were analyzed were five writings of BIPA advanced students at Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. The theme of the writings analyzed is about Betawi culture. Language errors that occur including the inaccurate word choice and the sentence structure. Most of the students use less effective sentences. Keywords: Language error analysis, Writings, BIPA students Topic: Education |
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