Solid Waste Management In Coastal Communities Based On Local Wisdom ^Meresik^ In Tapak Kuda Village, The District Of Tanjung Pura, Langkat a) Post Graduate Program Enviromental Science, Universitas Diponegoro,Semarang, Indonesia, *hadi_dian[at] Abstract Human activities produce solid waste in the form of paper, plastic, metal, glass or glass. This problem will solved with solid waste management. This study aims to identify the forms of local wisdom and measure the level of community participation. The research designed is descriptive interpretatively, data obtained from questionnaires and interviews, samples were taken with for 72 peoples and key figures interviewed 10 peoples, data were analysed by descriptively. The result has identified the local wisdom in Tapak Kuda Village is conservative called Meresik, the value of the obedience to the prohibition of disposing of trash in the sea and mangrove forests is a form of violation of customary norms in the environment, the habit of using natural materials as a container is a written regulation that is carried out village head, centralization of landfills is carried out in one place by sorting garbage and clean village traditional ceremonies is rituals in maintaining sanitation and soil fertility. The level of community participation is 72% in the high category. Tapak Kuda village community realizes that receptive local wisdom is a culture that has an important role in maintaining an environmental condition, environmental hygiene and also good sanitation is much influenced by religion. Keywords: Local wisdom, Environmental management, Solid Waste, Community Participation. Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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