Improving Religious Literacy Through Islamic Religious Education Course Based On The Flipped Classroom Universitas Negeri Jakarta Abstract Religious literacy is essential because understanding religious doctrine is not only about the normative principle, but also on how religion is applied in a social context. Religious literacy can develop through the learning process. This study aims to analyze the increase in student religious literacy through Islamic religious education courses based on the flipped classroom. The research method used is classroom action research through two cycles. The research subjects were students who took the Islamic Religious Education courses. The results showed that the implementation of the flipped classroom in Islamic Religious Education learning could improve students^ religious literacy. It is indicated by the increase in the average percentage of religious literacy in the first cycle by 69.56%, increasing to 78.75% in the second cycle. Furthermore, the implementation of flipped classroom-based Islamic Religious Education can also improve learning activities and student learning outcomes. Keywords: Literacy, Religious, Learning, Flipped Classroom Topic: Education |
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