The Evaluation of Inclusive Education Resource Center Program in Jakarta
Indra Jaya (a*), Aip Badrudjaman (a), Anna Suhaenah S (a)

a) education research and evaluation department, post graduated school, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to investigatethe efectiveness and accomplishment of implementing program at resoucse center of schools of special educational needsassigned by Educational Authority of DKI Jakarta as an Inclusive Education Resource Center. This evaluative study was conducted by means of mix-methode combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The evaluation was carried out by means of Context, Input, Process, Product and Outcome (CIPPO) model. Findings of the study reveal that: (1) All aspects and indicators of context component has met the creteria- (2) Input component has not met the creteria- (3) Component process has not met the creteria- (4) Product component has met the creteria- and (5) Outcome component has not met the creteria.

Keywords: Program Evaluation, Resource Center, Inclusive Education

Topic: Education

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