Critical Reading Learning as a Support Digital Literacy for Improving Students^ Ability in Filtering Hoax
Afiyah Nur Kayati

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


The speed of information dissemination through digital media in the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution has led to the raising in the spread of information that is not necessarily true or even fake news (hoax). Digital media has also been used in online learning, especially during the current pandemic, allowing hoaxes to occur in the world of education. Students need to be equipped with digital literacy competencies that can be improved through learning critical reading. Critical reading skills can be used to identify, process, and use digital information optimally. Therefore, this study aims to describe the strategies of learning critical reading in supporting students^ digital literacy to improve their ability in filtering and responding to the hoax. This study is a qualitative research with literature study method. The results showed that critical reading skills and digital literacy are two things that are interrelated. Critical reading skills are basic skills in digital literacy and can be developed through digital literacy activities. Teachers must intensify critical reading activities in learning so that they can help students become digital literate individuals. Critical reading learning focuses on reading activities by thinking about the facts displayed in the reading, reading by analyzing, and reading with assessment. With this capability, they can construct new information and disseminate it wisely so as to minimize the spread of hoaxes.

Keywords: critical reading skills, digital literate, ability to filter information

Topic: Education

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