THE EFFECT OF DISCURTIVE AND GENDER APPROACHES ON THE CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND SELF-CONSEPT STUDENTS Universitas Negeri Jakarta Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of discursive and gender approaches to the critical thinking skills of mathematics and self-concept students. This research is a quasi-experiment research with factorial design 2x2. The sample of research is 126 students of class IX SMP from two different schools. The results of this study are the critical mathematical thinking skills that are treated with discursive approaches are better than those treated with conventional approaches. Male students are better suited to using conventional approach learning whereas female students are better suited to using discursive approach to improve the critical thinking ability of mathematics and student self-concept. This is because the discursive approach emphasizes mathematical activity, reflection on mathematical activity, and debate/discussion on mathematical activity. It is in accordance with the characteristics of women who are able to muffle their emotions through discussion and have better verbal skills than male students. Keywords: discursive approach, mathematical critical thinking skills, self-concept, gender Topic: Education |
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