THE CONCEPT OF TOTALITY IN PAREBASAN AS CULTURAL IDENTITY OF MADURESE Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Abstract Abstract: Parebasan has its own meaning in the development of human civilization as a distinctive expression of Madurese community. The study of parebasan is important in order to know the certain concepts that could form a cultural identity of the community. The purpose of this study is to explore the cultural identity of Madurese through traditional expressions that become their guideline and ideology. Descriptive qualitative method with ethnolinguistic approach is used in this research. The data of this study were in the form of Parallel text and some information from selected informants. The technique used is analyzing content and interviewing a number of cultural and language experts. The results of the analysis illustrate the description of the concept of the totality of Madurese existed in Parebasan as the strength of Madurese cultural identity. This has a strong impact on various aspects of Madurese community life, especially in improving living standards. The results of this study illustrate that Prebasan as a traditional and cultural expression of Madurese contains concepts, ideas or thoughts that are able to shape cultural identity for the users of the community. Keywords: totality, Parebasan (Proverbs), strength, identity, culture Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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