Development of Climate Characteristics for the Suitability of Cocoa Land in West Sulawesi 1 Department of Agrotechnology, Al Asyariah Mandar University Abstract Cocoa as leading plantation commodities which is quite essential for the national economy that decreasing productivity from 2012 to 2019. Cocoa is the main plantation commodity in several regions in Indonesia, including West Sulawesi Province. The low productivity of cocoa is caused by the fact that cocoa plants that are planted do not meet the optimum growth requirements. Land quality as an optimal growth factor varies greatly in land and time quality, so it requires an indepth study, one of which is the parametric approach. This approach anayzes the land requirements climate for the suitability of specific cocoa plantations in particular regions, so this study aims to determine the characteristics of the land that correlate with cocoa productivity in a specific region.The study was conducted from January to July 2020. Also, this study aims to establish a land index through a deductive parametric approach in the Polewali Mandar district as a sample of research locations. The Research purpose of this study was to determine the land characteristics climate) in West Sulawesi. This study used a qualitative-quantitative mix analysis. Quantitative analysis is used in determining the correlation between land characteristics climate and cacao production in each subdistrict. Determination of land characteristics climate that has a significant effect using regression analysis Primary data were obtained from direct observation, while secondary data were obtained from related institutions. Besides, the determination of the profile location based on production data and cocoa crop distribution through satellite imagery. Qualitative and quantitative analysis using regression data analysis was used. The results showed that the climate Cocoa requires less rainfall of 571.16 mm during the large harvest period, while the moderate harvest period has rainfall of 1.430 mm and the occurrence of a small harvest period results in rainfall of 1.071 mm. There is a significant relationship be Keywords: Cocoa, climate, land, compatibility, west sulawesi Topic: Sustainable Development |
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