Geological Heritage as a Basis for Geoscience Development: A Case Study of Bentong-Raub Suture in Lojing Area, Gua Musang District, Kelantan, Malaysia
Ulva Ria Irfan (a*), Ilham Alimuddin (a), Rohaya Langkoke (a), Arham M. A. Bahar (b), Arief R. I. A. Putra YS (c)

a)Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Gowa 92119, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
b)Geostructural Laboratory, Faculty of Geoscience, University Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli, Kelantan 17600, Malaysia
c)Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Gowa 92119, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


The study area is located at the Bentong-Raub suture zone within the collision zone between Sibumasu plate and Indochina plate during Upper Permian and was completed by Upper Triassic. The geological processes that make up various lithologies, as well as the geological structures that make up typical geomorphology need to be preserved for educational purposes through geoheritage. Geological aspects have geoheritage value and the potential to be used as geotourism. Therefore, this study aims to assess the geoheritage aspect of the Lojing Gua Musang area, Kelantan, Malaysia. Geoheritage classification is based on aspects of geodiversity, scope, and scale. Geodiversity of Pelecypoda Fossil (Mollusca Phylum) is the coverage of the palaeontological site at a score of 3 (fair). The structure site is represented by a geodiversity of lithological variations in metamorphic rocks, metasediment, sediments, and volcanic rocks on small scale scored of 4 (good). Geodiversity quartzite boulder waterfall is a geomorphological site with a small scale score of 4 (good). Coal and mineral graphite are a scope of mineralogical sites on small scale, the score of 3 (fair), and cultural sites represented by Putri Gua Musang trails on a medium scale, are a score of 5 (very good). Geosite values that are scientific, namely various lithologies representing the Bentong Raub Suture Lojing area have a good geological heritage as an attraction for visitors or scientists.

Keywords: Geoheritage, Geodiversity, Geotourism, Geosite, Gua Musang

Topic: Sustainable Development

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