Estimation of Runoff by Using Soil Conservation Service Curve Number Method and Geographic Information System in Wanggu Watershed
Feri Fadlin (a*), Muhammad Arsyad Thaha (b), Farouk Maricar (b), Mukhsan Putra Hatta (b)

a) Doctoral Student of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
b) Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University


Runoff is one of the important components for flood modelling especially in watershed area. There are number of specific watershed characteristics which have a direct effect to runoff estimation. These includes land use/land cover, rainfall and slope data. Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) is one of hydrological analysis method which provides empirical relationship of rainfall, land use/landcover and slope data for estimating direct runoff. The components of SCS-CN include estimation of initial abstraction, lag-time, river slope, river length and impervious. The CN for watershed is calculated based on land use and soil moisture condition by using Geographic Information System. The purpose of this study is to estimate runoff by using SCS Curve Number and Geographic Information System in Wanggu Watershed. Extreme rainfall data during flood event in July 2013 is used to calculate the direct runoff. The result shows that the highest direct runoff is 159.49 m3/sec during flood event 15 July 2013.

Keywords: SCS Curve Number- Runoff, Geographic Information System (GIS)- Watershed

Topic: Sustainable Development

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