Melia Widya Pratiwi 1) , Shirly Wunas 2) , Abdul Rachman Rasyid 3)

1 Manajemen Perkotaan, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin
(Email: meliawidyapratiwi[at]gmail.com)
2 Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
(Email: shirly_wunas[at]yahoo.co.id)
3 Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
(Email: rachman_rasyid[at]yahoo.com)


The implementation of City without Slums Program (Kotaku) enables the community to actively participate and work together with the government to overcome fundamental problems in urban slums. This program supports
the establisher of the habitable, productive, and sustainable settlement. The study aimed (1) to explain the level of social participation in the program of urbanism without slum to one of sub-districts in Makassar city (Maccini Parang sub-district) and (2) to analyze the relation between the character of community and participative level to Kotaku program. The study was an explanatory research with quantitative descriptive approach. The technic of data analysis was scoring method (likert scale) and correlation test with Pearson method. The data was derived from the respondent questionnaire (probability sampling with random sampling) and interview with the community and stakeholders. The study result shows that the level of community participation in the Kotaku program is consultation for the reason that the society has hold the right and responsibility to express their own views about environmental problems so that the community has been considered to participate but it is only to
express the opinions and necessary to fill the questionnaire and there is no assurance that the society^s view will be fulfilled. The correlation between significant character of the community and participation level are length of
stay. This means that the longer people stay in a place, the larger people have sense of belonging and be the part of the environment. Whereas, the value of weak correlation is social status, because the dominant participants did not show any difference in social status.

Keywords: Community Participation, Urban Slums, Kotaku Program

Topic: Socio-Economy Development

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