A Modification of Land Suitability Requirements for Maize in The Humid Tropics of South Sulawesi, Indonesia Department of Soil Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia Abstract Evaluation of land suitability needs to be supported by site-specific approach including criteria of the land use type. One of the important food crops in the humid tropic of Indonesia is maize (Zea mays L.). The main aim of this study was to modification land suitability requirements for maize in the specific humid tropic of Indonesia. There were 3 representative districts in the South Sulawesi of Indonesia, consists of Jeneponto (dry zone,climate type E), East Luwu (wet zone, climate type A), and Bulukumba (relative dry, climate type D). There were 20 profiles in each district so that total of representative are 60 farmers and 60 profiles. This study used the deductive parametric approach on determine land suitability index, the determination of observation^s point was purposive sampling, data analysis was use Pearson correlation and linier regression analysis including on determination of interval value of land characteristics that have correlation and significant effect to maize yield. The result showed that land characteristics that have significant effect (p<0.01) to maize yield in the humid tropic of South Sulawesi were precipitation of growing cycle, soil pH, C-organic, and base saturation. The range values of land characteristics which classified as optimal (S1) for humid tropic region of Indonesia were precipitation of growth cycle (650-900 mm), soil pH (6.8-7.0), C-organic ( >2,2%), and base saturation (>62%), furthermore classified as marginal (S3) whether precipitation of growth cycle(<270 mm), C-organic (<1.15%), soil pH (<5.47 or >8.0), and base saturation (10-41%). Keywords: land suitability index, maize, humid tropic, parametric Topic: Renewable Energy |
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