Flood resilience and sustainable development challenges in Indonesia: A case of the Lake Tempe fisheries community in Pallimae village, Wajo regency (a) Center of Excellence for Interdisciplinary and Sustainability Science (CEISS), Hasanuddin University Abstract Sustainable development goals (SDGs) agenda has been ubiquotous in the current development narratives. In the context of a country with high occurance of disaster, Indonesia has been facing severe flood annually. It is exacerbated by the climate change and unsustainable practices of development at the local level. The incresing level of flood requires resiliency of the community surrounding the disaster areas. This paper seeks to explore the way in which people in Pallimae village in Lake tempe faces annual flood through various adaptation strategies. The strategies shows an effective flood resilience practices to annual flood and socio-ecological changes. However, the incongruency between the development programs and policies have created ineffectiveness of disaster management. In the context of SDGs implementation, recognising the local context of disaster is a prominent step. The related actors should adopt such strategies and institutionalise the local practices of resiliency into the policy instruments and disaster mitigation program. Accellerating SDGs implementation requires two ways of reinforcement, namely effective community-based bottom-up instrumental processes and enhancement of the local practices of sustainable living and resiliency. The development, therefore, should integrate the the concept of local resiliency, maintaining the local wisdom and connecting it to the people livelihood improvement in the Lake Tempe. Keywords: resiliency, disaster, flood, Sustainable Development Goals Topic: Sustainable Development |
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