Enactment and Development of Child-Friendly City Policies in Indonesia (Comparison between Three Eligible Cities for Children with Nindya Predicate and Three Eligible Cities for Children with Main Predicate in Indonesia)
Heru Susetyo, SH. LL.M. M.Si, Ph.D., Afdol, S.H., M.H., Erizka Permatasari, S.H., Hani Nur Azizah, Fawzi Muhtadi, Nur Alim Arrazaq

Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Indonesia has governed the Child-Friendly City^s regulation since 2011 through the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection Regulation. After being implemented for more than five years, none of Indonesia^s cities and regencies have reached the Child-Friendly City^s Status. The highest-ranking that was successfully obtained was the ^Utama^ predicate. The purpose of this paper is to assess the applicability and development of local ordinances and policies of Child-Friendly Cities in Depok, Surakarta, Magelang, Sleman, Surabaya, and Denpasar. This research method is empirical and comparative with a qualitative approach-data obtained through literature studies and field research. Based on this research, Cities and Regencies in Indonesia, especially the satellite cities that support the Capital City, need assistance from the central government to realize Child-Friendly Cities in terms of development, funding, and infrastructure. This research will be useful for the development of the Regional Regulation on a Child-Friendly City in Depok City

Keywords: Enforceability, Development, Policy, City, Child

Topic: Law

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